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Your Complete Guide to Creating and Maintaining a One-Stop Kitchen Garden to Fulfill Your Culinary Needs

Your Complete Guide to Creating and Maintaining a One-Stop Kitchen Garden to Fulfill Your Culinary Needs

Related: A Guide to Growing Kitchen Windowsill Herbs How to Start a Kitchen Garden Of course, every large gardening project must start somewhere. Before putting your seeds in the ground, make sure you do a little forward planning to set your kitchen garden up

5 scents that deter mosquitoes – natural and powerful ways to keep the pest away

5 scents that deter mosquitoes – natural and powerful ways to keep the pest away

We are amid the season of the mosquito – summer's most unwanted pest – that has a tendency to accompany your al fresco dinner parties and afternoons in the garden. And while knowing how to get rid of mosquitoes is important for preventing an irritating

How to Create a Dog-Friendly Garden That Humans Will Love Too

How to Create a Dog-Friendly Garden That Humans Will Love Too

Yes, you can have a beautiful backyard even if you have a pet. Get a dog and there goes the garden. That’s what many homeowners conclude, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Dog owner Bud Stuckey and his wife, Maxine McClellan, have been breeding

50 Backyard Landscaping Ideas

50 Backyard Landscaping Ideas

50 Backyard Landscaping Ideas Need backyard design inspiration? Try these backyard landscaping ideas for a sloped, shady or boring backyard. Keep in mind: Price and stock could change after publish date, and we may make money from these affiliate

How to collect rainwater

How to collect rainwater

After the record-breaking hot weather and drought that affected much of the UK this summer, many gardeners are looking for ways to collect and store rainwater instead of relying on a hosepipe or garden tap to water their plants. And with water bills on the